JavaScript / Node.js tutorial for Shuffle. This video includes code walkthrough, description, usage, and examples for the function Shuffle. Shuffle takes an array and randomizes the order of its items. The array may contain any number and type of items, even varying types. Most shuffle algorithms work by swapping values at randomly selected array indices. This implementation is for the efficient Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm. Important to note, this function will shuffle the array in-place, meaning it will modify the original array that is passed to the function. Happy coding! Fonts: Fira Code, Rubik Mono One, Shippori Mincho Music: Smooth Meditation by Arulo (CC0)
JavaScript / Node.js tutorial for Shuffle. This video includes code walkthrough, description, usage, and examples for the function Shuffle. Shuffle takes an array and randomizes the order of its items. The array may contain any number and type of items, even varying types. Most shuffle algorithms work by swapping values at randomly selected array indices. This implementation is for the efficient Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm. Important to note, this function will shuffle the array in-place, meaning it will modify the original array that is passed to the function. Happy coding! Fonts: Fira Code, Rubik Mono One, Shippori Mincho Music: Smooth Meditation by Arulo (CC0)