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Management of database changes in a production is a critical process for any application. And in this tutorial we are going to practice how we can use sequelize cli for handling database migrations. We will practice both doing the migration and undoing it. Other than migrations we are also going to pactice how we can add entries to tables via seed functionality of sequelize cli. this tutorial is taken from my course, Test Driven Development with Node.js The repo for this tutorial can be found here Like, subscribe, comment any interaction with my channel, means a lot. Thanks About me: My name is Basar Buyukkahraman. I've courses for Spring Boot, React, Node.js, Web Components, Svelte and Vue in udemy. Test Driven Web Development with Spring & React - Test Driven Development with Node.js Git - Step by Step Guide Fundamentals of Web Components - Svelte with Test Driven Development - Vue with Test Driven Development -
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