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In this NodeJs ExPressjs and Mongo DB CRUD tutorial, you will learn how to create Restful API using these technologies. In this Node Js ExPress Js and Mongo DB Insert Update Delete Tutorial, you will learn how to create restful API for MEAN stack Projects and MERN stack Projects. #RESTFUL_API #NodeJs #ExpressJs #MongoDB 0:00-Introduction 0:50-Mongo DB Installation 3:32- NodeJs Project Installation 7:12- Mongo DB Create Database and Tables / Collections 7:50- MongoDB database connection with NodeJs 8:38- ExPressJs Database Model Creation 10:40-ExPressJs Routes Creation 13:00-NodeJs Server Creation 15:00- Create End Point 21:00- Display Data 24:00- Display Single Record 26:15- Add Record 33:41- Update Record 36:24-The End Related Topics: node js rest api tutorial node js rest api project node js rest api hindi node js rest api authentication node js rest api tutorial in telugu node js rest api tutorial in hindi node js rest api tamil node js rest api jwt node js rest api error handling node js rest api framework node js rest api deploy node js rest api file upload node js rest api login node js rest api express
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