This is the second video of the series where we have installed the basic prerequisites of our application. This is going to be a series in which we will be creating an application from scratch using React js, Nodejs, Serverless Framework, AWS services such as Cognito, Cloud formation, Lambda Functions, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Simple Email Service. #awscourse ,#awscloud, #cloudcomputing ,#awslambda,#serverless , #serverlessframework,#aws, #awsdynamodb #amazondynamodb #dynamodb #lambda #awslambda #awslambdafunctions #awsapigateway #amazonapigateway #awsapigatewaytutorial #awscognito #amazoncognito #amazonsimpleemailservice #amazonses #reactjstutorial #learnreactjs #nodejs #reactjs #ec2 #s3 #cloudformation #awscloudformation #vscode #awsiam #secretkey #npm
This is the second video of the series where we have installed the basic prerequisites of our application. This is going to be a series in which we will be creating an application from scratch using React js, Nodejs, Serverless Framework, AWS services such as Cognito, Cloud formation, Lambda Functions, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Simple Email Service. #awscourse ,#awscloud, #cloudcomputing ,#awslambda,#serverless , #serverlessframework,#aws, #awsdynamodb #amazondynamodb #dynamodb #lambda #awslambda #awslambdafunctions #awsapigateway #amazonapigateway #awsapigatewaytutorial #awscognito #amazoncognito #amazonsimpleemailservice #amazonses #reactjstutorial #learnreactjs #nodejs #reactjs #ec2 #s3 #cloudformation #awscloudformation #vscode #awsiam #secretkey #npm