adds code

#shorts #nodejs This is a code snippet written in JavaScript. The code calculates the result of dividing the value of variable x (which is assigned the value 10) by the value of variable y (which is assigned the value 20). The result is then checked to see if it is equal to 2. If it is, the code logs the message "Result : 2" to the console using the console.log() method with a template literal format. If the result is not equal to 2, the code logs the actual result to the console using the console.log() method with a string concatenation format. Additionally, the code uses the console.time() and console.timeEnd() methods to measure the time it takes to execute the code block between them, which in this case is the division operation. The console.time() method starts a timer with the name "division", and the console.timeEnd() method stops the timer with the same name and logs the elapsed time to the console. Overall, this code is a simple example of how to measure the execution time of a code block using the console.time() and console.timeEnd() methods in JavaScript.
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