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Welcome to my channel where I will take you on a journey to build highly scalable web applications using some of the most popular technologies in the Node.js ecosystem. In this channel, we will explore the powerful capabilities of Express.js for building REST APIs, MongoDB for persistent data storage, for real-time communication, and JSON Web Tokens for secure user authentication. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, you will find valuable insights and practical tips to help you build modern, robust, and scalable web applications that can handle a large number of users and requests. Join me on this exciting adventure and let's make the future of the web together! To start the Server: npm run start Tech Stack: Programming language: Node.js Framework: Express Js and WebSocket Database: MongoDB For User authentication: JSON web token API: User Registration (localhost:3000/registration) #nodejs #nodes #node #nodevideoeditingtutorial #websocket #sockets #chat #chatapp #backenddeveloper #backend #project #mernstack #express #expressjs #server #websocketproject #mongodb #schema #nodejstutorial #nodejsexpressjsmongodb #nodejsexpressjsmongodbwebsocketio #websockets #websocketproject #nodeproject #mongodbproject #reactjs #technology #tech #application #development #trending #featured
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