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NodeJs + MongoDB Complete CRUD Backend Tutorial | NodeJs With MongoDB Atlas Backend Tutorial From Scratch 1st Part(This Video) This is 1st video of the NodeJs + MongoDB series, here we did all basic CRUD operations with Node and MongoDB. We started by opening blank VS Code, creating a project folder, adding all packages, and creating File and Folder Structure to connect with MongoDB. Everything we did step by step so I hope it will be easier for you guys to understand and grasp the concept. 2nd Part(Upcoming) In 2nd part of the video we will do all the remaining MongoDB database operations like Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, Indexing, Bulk Create|Read|Delete|Update, and lots of advanced stuff which the MongoDB database offers. 3rd Part(Upcoming) In 3rd part of this video, we will make a fully-fledged Backend project with NodeJs + MongoDB + Express and we will deploy this backend in Heroku cloud and in Firebase Cloud. Frontend with ReactJs we will do later when I will making videos in ReactJs then we will use this Backend there.
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